Here is a good one to debate, because we can site printed sources that have said the George Kutz or "Coots", who founded Kutztown was not related to Johann Nicholas Kutz I (AKA JNKI) (1690-1749), the first Kutz that settled in Maxatawny, near Eagle Point, an area that later became part of Kutztown in Berks County, once Kutztown was founded.
We can find other sources that say George Kutz might have been a brother of Johann Nicholas Kutz I. We can find still others that say George Kutz and his brother Jacob Kutz settled near what is now downtown Kutztown, and that they may or may not have been the brothers of Johann Nicholas Kutz I.
Many people say that if they are decended from George Kutz, founder of Kutztown, then they are not also related to Johann Nicholas Kutz I (1690-1749).
And I have met others who say they are decended from Johann Nicholas Kutz I (1690-1749), the man who purchased 150 acres in 1729 from Casper Wistar of Philadelphia land near Eagle Point, but these decendents say they are not related to the other Kutzes who settled closer to downtown Kutztown and founded the town of Kutztown.
Some of this could come down to what people meant when they said "We aren't related to those other Kutzes." Are distant cousins considered related? Or did people tell their children and grandchildren that they weren't related to the "other Kutzes" because they weren't closely related, or they did not know exactly how they were related through the actual lineage?
On another note that I find interesting: Above I mentioned that Johann Nicholas Kutz I (1690-1749) purchased 150 acres near Eagle Point from Caspar Wistar of Philadelphia. This purchase was made on 18 November 1729. JNKI (Johann Nicholas Kutz I) paid 52 Pounds, 10 Shillings for this 150 acres of land. The day prior, on 17 November 1729, Jacob Hottenstein of Oley paid 40 Pounds 12 Shillings for the purchase of 116 acres of land. This, by the way, is the Jacob von Hottenstein that the Hottenstein Mansion is associated with. This land that Jacob Hottenstein purchased, adjoined the land that Johann Nicholas Kutz I purchased. Though much has been written about the noble ancestry of the Hottensteins, this man paid less money for fewer acres than Johann Nicholas Kutz I did that same week in November, 1729. Who was Nicholas Kutz in Germany, and how did he get the kind of money that could compare to that of Jacob von Hottenstein?
Some of the very early church records from that area are from the Moselem Zion Lutheran Church in Richmond Township, on the other side of Kutztown from Maxatawny Township. There is a church marraige record from 8 Feb 1750 that says "Johann Geirg Kuz, s.s. Nicholas Kuz.
Johanna Hottensteinin, s.d. Jacob Hottenstein."
I believe this may be translated to say: "George Kutz, son of Nicholas Kutz married Johanna Hottenstein, daughter of Jacob Hottenstein."
Found at the link below:
Source information: Church: Marriage Records of Zion Lutheran Church, 1744-1758: Richmond Twp, Berks Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Linda Thompson.
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There are very few sources that name Johanna Hottenstein amongst Jacob Hottenstein's children. But there is a paper written by Guy Bierman at the link below that names Johanna Hottenstein as one of Jacob and wife Maria Dorothea Reber's children and that Johanna died in 1752, probably in childbirth.
His listed sources:
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