03 November 2015

Searching for a list of who is buried in the Kutz Family Graveyard,previously unpublished.

As part of my research into the historic Kutz Family Graveyard on Hottenstein Rd, Kutztown, I am looking for anyone who might have any written information on who is buried in this family field cemetery. We have what is published in historical books based on oral tradition like Morton Montgomery's History of Berks County books. 
What I am looking for is something derived from the Kutz family itself, possibly handwritten, likely in German, and possibly saved in a family bible similar to this one pictured below. 
This information could be on a piece of paper stuffed within the 1000 pages of one of these family bibles. These family bibles were like safes, the best place in a household to keep important documents and info. 
It wasn't until my 4th time going through this bible, that I found some more items hidden inside.
A written record of who was buried in this cemetery might have been passed down to family or non-family, if no descendants were left. 
There are many headstones that appear to be missing from this graveyard, so a written record could be the best we can get in order to confirm who all are buried there. Once we find this information, we can move forward to a plan for best preservation and memorial for this historic cemetery.
Please message me with any info you have, and direct others who might have info to me as well! Whoever has this information might not know what they have, or that they have it. Every potential must be examined. Thank you!
This Bible is embossed with "William P. Kutz" along the bottom on the front in gold

Here is just one of the treasures inside this Bible: William P. Kutz and Emma Kohler's 1890 marriage certificate, signed by local Kutztown pastor, John Hiester Leinbach.