What is the original German/Swiss spelling of our last name: "Coots" or "Kutz"?

There is more to write on this topic. Until then, people may feel welcome to comment on this topic.
Here are a couple hints written by some of our ancestors themselves:

Above: 1749 Signature on his will, written from his deathbed, this was JNKI's (Johann Nicholas Kutz I's) handwriting.
Above: One Jacob Kutz's signature, 1732, as he arrived in Philadelphia on ship called "Plaisance." The type of ship was a "Pink."

1 comment:

  1. It was only this year that I discovered that Nicolas Kutz (1706 - 1787)is my 5th great grandfather!

    5th great-grandfather

    Johan Jacob Kutz (1719 - 1768)
    son of Nicolas Kutz

    Susannah H Kutz (1758 - 1822)
    daughter of Johan Jacob Kutz

    Soloman Creamer (1785 - 1859)
    son of Susannah H Kutz

    Mariah Elizabeth Creamer (1816 - 1896)
    daughter of Soloman Creamer

    Samuel Grove Zimmerman (1862 - 1942)
    son of Mariah Elizabeth Creamer

    Richard Samuel Zimmerman (1930 - 2014)
    son of Samuel Grove Zimmerman

    Mark Richard Zimmerman
    You are the son of Richard Samuel Zimmerman


When making comments, please refrain from using the names of people who are still living.
If you have any questions on what is appropriate to post, please send private message to the admin of Kutz Families in America and Abroad.